Martes, Hulyo 29, 2014


“Seek not to follow the footsteps of the wise, you seek what they sought.” –Anonymous

Have you ever experienced being compared to someone? Perhaps our generation would have given a knock on the door of the past, not just once, nor twice, but perhaps a hundred times. That’s how the present operates. Yes, it is normal to look at the past. Doing so only means that we have the audacity to correct our mistakes and learn from it. Most importantly, it gives us the humility that before we have gone this far, we are once upon a time a struggling fool in search for knowledge and wisdom.

The World Revolves 360 degrees

According to McCarthy, D.D. & Seidelmann, P.K. in 2009, the Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the sun and once every 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds with respect to the stars. Earth's rotation is slowing slightly with time; thus, a day was shorter in the past. This is due to the tidal effects the Moon has on Earth's rotation. Atomic clocks show that a modern day is longer by about 1.7 milliseconds than a century ago, slowly increasing the rate at which UTC is adjusted by leap seconds.

So what does that mean?

Simply put, everything changes under the sun. You and I change every millisecond. In fact I’m not the same writer a second ago. Am I making sense? You, the reader, are not the same as you are seconds ago. Your psyche changes, your body's cell count changes, your mood changes and so on. Everything that happened in the past had its own share of joy, sadness, delight, grief, enchantment.

And challenges too. Many of us are stuck on the bait of hanging in our past. Yes, the story of the people in the previous course of history has definitely something to do with what we are now. But always put in mind that the encounters are different. Different challenges that needs another course of solution. Do not compare your accomplishments from the accomplishments of your older brother, sister or parents. You see, their generation had different set of challenges, and you have your own. Find solution and solve it.

The generation in the past made their mark and created their trails. It’s up to you weather to use it or.. act in the present and trail blaze your own way by opening another door specially designed for the vendetta of this generation. “Seek not to follow the footsteps of the wise, you seek what they sought.”

Dealing with present? HAVE IT YOUR WAY. 

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