Miyerkules, Disyembre 10, 2014

Before Dawn

                    He went outside barefoot, the December wind howling, cutting through his skin like the vivacity of noontime sunbeam.

                    It is three thirty in the morning. The moonbeam's radiance struggles to penetrate the earth beneath, moving on from yesterday's tempest. The earth begins to dry, like the cry of a pacified child, the wind pursued no hindrance.

                    Early morning December dew touched his countenance. The universe is celebrating the glorious silence after the surges of the past.

                    The cosmos whispered, and the boy listened, " Thy things shall pass and let it be fulfilled. The universe shall conspire for you to achieve thy master's will, let it be done to you according to His will."

                    He closed his eyes, opened his heart, he is breathing with an absolute calm, allowing the force of the cool wind to pierce in every pore in his flesh filling his soul.

                    He opened his eyes and saw the dawn's glorious break.

                                                                                                                                    -Neb Iva (12.10.14)

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