Linggo, Agosto 4, 2013

On Benigno Aquino III's SONA 2013


“It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership. “—Nelson Mandela
This is the fourth State of the nation address of the President of the Philippines, Benigno S. Aquino III. A man of whom we did not expect to lead this Nation a few years back not until a series of events occurred suddenly converting this man from being an ordinary senator to the most powerful leader in the present age of the country. Many doubted his capacity. Many expressed their cynical remarks when he declared to run for presidency. Many skeptics exhumed stories from their inherited issues way back in Tarlac. But nonetheless He responded to the call of the masses. A call that is very rare of its kind. A call rooted in years of plight of our deprived countrymen.
On the 22nd of July 2013, P-Noy as he is dubbed right now, made his fourth SONA for his term as the chief executive. It is very noticeable that he used different testimonies from different sectors of the community to take part in his nation address. Testimonies of change alleviating from a dark yesterday’s predicaments that resulted into the battle cry of the less fortunate. This includes those people who are remarkably doing an amazing act of loyalty for their rights. An example would be Mr. Nino Aguirre, a Person with disability, who still casted his vote in-spite of his physical condition, on the fourth floor of a building, perfect example of a person willing to act for the better.
P-noy cited the initiatives of different people from ordinary fields to take part on the said occasion. Those personas showcased the initiative to make something different and to be a good model in their respective fields of service. As his speech goes on, he showed statistics that is for me, a good presentation of what happened after 2010. Inclusive growths from here to there, left to right. And I quote: “Chance is just a seed; it should be poured with dedication, determination, and efficiency”. He declared. From job to housing developments to education and agriculture announcing our self-sufficiency in rice and now exporting to foreign lands. He expressed his gladness to different cabinet members who are working out for progress from the various sub-sector of agriculture.
“If there is one issue my skeptics want to stick on my name, it would be Hacienda Louissitta.” He uttered. According to him, through Supreme Court, Land titles are ready to be distributed on September this year. This is for the benefit of the farmers who live in the said vast farm land. He talked about health developments and infrastructures that will aid the Local Government Units to address that serious need for the different far-flung barangays.
The multi-hazard mapping to technological advancements approach on flooding was discussed. Waterways are inalienable he said. We should genuinely seek to provide proper plans to address this problem. The Department of Justice is now doing the process of suing all the private properties and businesses located in those restricted and vulnerable areas in Metro Manila.
I observe that the higher government is doing all the possible solutions. Challenging the people to take part of the answer, on every challenge that our state is facing; from the resiliency to typhoons, floods and other natural phenomena to the community self monitoring. Housing programs for the victims of the past typhoons are now on its toll. For the policemen and the members of the armed forces, livelihood programs that will seek to elevate their state of living. Giving them the prize for their sacrifices, to be in the front line of defense. Pensions for the retired personnel Is now a priority. Budget allotment for the pensions of AFP and PNP from P 54.48 billion of last year to P 80.64 billion on 2016. This is a very remarkable figures show. The president asserted that the GSIS has the capacity to fund all of these concerns. He also said that the SSS pension scheme should be amended for it resulted into various liabilities.
The ratio of the police men to firearms down to the strict licensing, 400,000 houses were inspected this year to scrutinize the licensing and validity. This is to deal with the election related violence. As seen in the statistics, it is decreased last election period. This is because of the united interest of all the public and private citizens aiming for safe and peaceful elections. This is a SONA of those people who are sacrificing their lives for other people and their vow to protect them. These are the policemen who were applaud by the crowd during the president’s speech as he asserted them in front of thousands in attendance and millions watching all over the country.
P-Noy has hands on work for the Bangsamoro Framework Agreement. He said that he is a man of his word that what they have agreed with our Muslim brothers will be duly complied and implemented. It is very noticeable that he goes from coast to coast just to make his presence felt. And I find it a good habit for him. He also declared that the DOST is now organizing a special group to scrutinize the different suppliers of ammunition and defense equipment to prevent overlooking and money loss for the armed forces.
The goal of the government for the informal settlers is their rehabilitation that is a serious problem all over from the past administration. They can barely find the solution of the growing population of these people in the urban. And I find it really difficult to address because of their pragmatic reasons. One huge issue today is the “Responsible Parenthood Law” formerly the “Reproductive health bill” that is still on the temporary restraining order of the Supreme Court, a very sensitive issue that the president should be concerned at. It needs amendments so as to give the remedy for the contrary.
In the world issues, it is noticeable that some neighbors are focusing their funds on weapons of destruction which very anti-humanitarian. P-Noy cited that the Philippines is outlying from these practices. Instead, we will focus our improved economy to the primary needs of every household, of every family that makes a peaceful and better nation.
Infrastructures and superstructures are now on their way to realization. It is observed from bridges to irrigation systems, from tourism projects to airports. As a Tourism graduate, Tourism plays an important role in our economy and in the society. It is the living organism from which great income generates. It creates jobs and opportunity to the Filipino people. Realistically, the Philippines is one of the best in the world in terms of natural resources compared to other country’s man-made attractions. We are blessed with abundant flora and fauna, exquisite shores that can be a huge advantage in creating a program that would fit in our country’s features. Without doubt, we are on the top list in the world. Only our roads, bus and airport terminals should be given utmost priority as the gateway to our country’s richness. P-Noy emphasized that foreign and domestic tourist arrivals boomed in 2012 alone. Because of this momentum, the Filipino people are faithful to reach much higher percentage on tourist arrivals.
Significant safety concerns were dropped by the international body for aviation safety. The European Union allowed our flag carrier to have direct flights to Europe. This is because of the new policies and developments in the aviation scheme of the country.
He reprimanded all the controversial government agencies for their poor performance and corruption. Which is I believe just right because we really can’t teach someone by shutting our mouth. They really need to be exposed to the public and pay a price for their actions.
The Gross Domestic Products of the country have gone to a dramatic growth of last year and continuing to this year’s first quarter. The highest recorded GDP in Southeast and East Asia. That is why we are called as the Rising Tiger and the Brightest Spark of several international bodies and publications.
Good people in governance should do their part to be the best so that many will follow and the president himself will showcase them to the country. One good thing I also have noticed to his speech is that he mentioned the achievements and contribution of other people for the state. To be the driving force of everyone to follow what is right and just.

To conclude, it is not easy for a leader to rule over the people. He needs the steering committee, skilled, honest and patriotic comrades to join his mission. He doesn't need a person of mediocrity and selfishness. We are obliged to be united for a great cause, to be the change we wish to see in this world. I congratulate the president for being an honest and a humble one. Aware of his limitations and gives credit to other people’s initiative and accomplishments.

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