Martes, Agosto 6, 2013

On St. Thomas Aquinas: Layman's review

This is a reflection on how a Saint inspired me to study, serve, and to appreciate the people around me.

1.       St. Thomas Aquinas’ personal discipline and his relentless erudition brought me an inspiration through studying him in retrospection. I was ignited to give my heart on my craft. His moral dignity and intellectual integrity that made him like a star whose brilliance only appears once in a century. There is no doubt that he has the kind of inner freedom, a prize from his covenant for the Lord in the service of the people.

2.       Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasure. Without friends, even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious. In my life, no matter how happy and blessed I am, without my comrades, this life would never be blissful. They are my teachers for they taught me some of life’s greatest lessons. They are a part of my family where I feel the love and comfort a midst the fiercest storm. Without them as my inspiration and guide, it is like flying to the skies without the air beneath my wings.

3.       Thomas Aquinas’ commitment and pledge to the Church. To remain faithful and persevering in-spite of the cunning temptation and deception that was set for him, in front of his face. An ability that cannot be taught inside the four corners of the classroom. A gift from years of devotion and personal experiences that figured him to his stature in the field of academe and service. I discovered that if you have instilled and nourished your self-respect with God’s love and grace, you will never be in peril. Instead, you will be able to drive out temptation and ignorance (in the government) with a lighted torch.

4.       “To study is to pray and to pray is to study.” This annotation captured my senses. As per my search for new wisdom and in pursuit of my dreams, in the present as a Program Volunteer in my community of service (CFC-Youth For Christ) and a full-time graduate school student. I should abide on this principle because I believe that all things in this world are interconnected with each other. I will serve hard. Study harder. Pray hardest.

5.       St. Thomas’ legacy for the commitment of the truth made him move mountains of challenges and conquered his quest. Without the vow he would not be able to be Competent in his craft and a compassionate adherent of God through charity deeds.

6.       As a UST Graduate School student portraying the stellar deeds of a great man of character, I may not be the most intelligent student among the herd, I may be the youngest and the least experienced, but because of passion and commitment to learn, with the love and support from my family, I will follow my vision no matter how huge the waves are and vast the sea is. By stepping out from my comfort zone, I will conquer new territories. I believe that this is another opportunity to be modest and to trust the Lord.

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